Kamera Coaching

Do you know these thoughts? Technology overwhelms me. Is the microphone in the right place? Have I worked out the script carefully enough? And how do I actually speak in front of the camera to sound authentic? And oh god, when I hear myself, then … And what should I actually look out for when I want to go live? Take a deep breath.

With my support, filming and publishing high-quality videos authentically and confidently can be easy for a change. Because there are tips and tricks on how to deal with your excitement. And I don’t want to deceive you here by saying that it doesn’t require any effort or cost some nerves.

But it is possible, believe me! And with the right support, you will make progress faster than you think! In the free camera training, you will learn everything you need to know from preparation to presentation to shoot your first video. Step-by-step – even through the technology. And as a side note, I shot and produced this course as my own role model back then. I know how difficult it often is and what challenges come your way.

But again, remember, it’s possible and the world out there needs you and your expertise! Even online. Contact me and we’ll turn the stress factor into a child’s play. I’m looking forward to it!

Wanna talk? Then book a call. Calendly Link