

Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg


Wiener Festwochen, Münchner Kammerspiele

2010 - 2012

E.T.A. Hoffmann Theater



2006 - 2010

Max Reinhardt Seminar, Wien

The stage is pure life for me! For the first 16 years, I stepped onto it as a dancer. Expressing myself through my body is still my medicine today. (I’ve recorded an audio post about it that you might be interested in. Click here.) 

Over the years, my voice joined in! The challenges of this profession have always been enormous. A lot of sweat, blood, and tears have been shed. How often have I heard my heart beating loudly or had terrible nightmares that I don’t remember the text or won’t make it to the performance on time. 

But this expressive art had to be done. It means freedom to me. My body has to express itself in some form. Being on stage, surrounded by thick theatre air and embodying a figure, fulfills me above all. Engaging in dialogue with the audience completes this wonder. 

In 2006, I got a place at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna out of 1000 applicants! I have almost 20 years and hundreds of performances on stage and in front of the camera, with all the setbacks and successes. 

Until my last breath, I’ll pursue this calling because the creative work, the surrendering to not knowing, the willingness to change is fantastic, necessary, and addictive!

Deutsches Schauspielhaus

„Die Schule der Frauen" | Regie H. Fritsch | Foto: T. Aurin
„Ich, das Ungeziefer" | Regie V. Bodó | Foto: T. Aurin
„Trilliarden" | Regie I. Lausund | Foto: K. Lefebvre
„Pension zur wandernden Nase" | Regie V. Bodo | Foto: T.Aurin
„Die Kassette" | Regie H. Fritsch | Foto: T.Aurin
„Wassa Schelesnowa" | Regie D. Giesing | Foto J. Rakete
„Die Physiker" | Regie S. Kreyer | Foto: S. Then
„Terror" | FAQ-Room 8 | Foto: M. Baus
„Die Neger" | Regie J. Simons | Foto: Röder/Ostkreuz

E.T.A. Hoffmann Theater

„Amadeus" | Regie P. Bernhardt | Foto: I. Rose
„Amadeus" | Regie P. Bernhardt | Foto: I. Rose
„Orestie" | Regie P. Bernhardt | Foto: I. Rose
„Orestie" | Regie P. Bernhardt | Foto: I. Rose
„Kaspar Häuser Meer" | Regie A. Asper | Foto: I. Rose
„Bash" | Regie J. Bitterich | Foto: I. Rose